EvoWorld.io Wiki
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The logo of EvoWorld.io

EvoWorld.io (formerly titled FlyOrDie.io) is a 2D evolution-survival style .io game developed by Pixel Voices. In the game, the player controls a character, which can fly around using arrow keys or left-click, eating green-bordered entities to gain EXP and evolve. Red-bordered entities act as the player's predators, harming the player's character; they must be avoided.

The player also needs to maintain the character's water and oxygen levels, as losing either one can also eventually lead to death.

Game features


Main article: Characters

A Fly, the first character a player can achieve

Characters are the player-controlled animals and creatures. There are 46 stages needed to evolve. Each stage has their own specific food and ability. The evolution stage is linear, and there is only one character per stage that players can use.

A full list of characters is displayed below:

Characters in EvoWorld.io
Fly-1 FlyButterfly-3 ButterflyMosquito MosquitoWasp-1 WaspDragonfly DragonflyPigeon-1 Pigeon9F6AA467-19EC-42D0-9EB0-22F512A588CA Duck1-1525216738 Blue Bird6A02C04E-7673-4BED-9D58-404B2F732935 HenB67931B5-FDC8-4229-9EB4-2FA3D4C16DA3 ParrotStarktheStork StorkDA6A1918-412F-4998-ADE2-D33FAD986653 Red BirdD3703888-4300-49FA-A5E6-391FD3B55CD2 Pelican536B6D41-3B39-4178-91EA-29ED316D3B37 Turkey91B59248-C352-4AE7-90CB-6D52F5B39073 BatSeagull Seagull1753A66B-FBFC-4908-9389-1B459B9938AA BlackbirdA96AF75D-F1C1-49CC-803F-CAC2ED17FC56 Hornet7CA66DD6-1BD7-4994-8C0D-1053C668B2C4 Vulture2C91AC02-BF61-46F5-8286-560AFC26AB6E Owl2754F352-979B-45E9-B7B0-EC1658711D08 Maroon Bird1-1525216988 FalconEagle1 EagleSnowyOwl Snowy OwlHawk Hawk4E862230-24A3-4B8F-890B-EC4024737A85 RavenMad Bat2 Mad BatPterodactyl child2 Pterodactyl ChildPterodactyl2 PterodactylSwamp Monster 2 Swamp MonsterStone Eater 2 Stone Eater2EF4F64D-31A0-4F76-AFB0-DB5A8F998B86 Demonic Egg EaterFF7F8577-850A-4605-A47B-40AE9A2713D3 Demonic Bat5D803D46-1FA1-4346-BA9B-A32ECF6E6D99 Demonic ImpD17A78A4-6ABD-4B10-8E7D-4F3A52D6D1AB DragonPhoenix2 Phoenix2DAB5011-EF54-492F-B6CB-DFC848B1C01B Cosmic InsectC089BBBF-E811-4EBD-BFCD-AEA207A0BA66 Cosmic Big Eye82876E17-5A2D-4B12-96FE-40CC6974845B Cosmic Angry EyeCosmicBat2 Cosmic Bat1-1528876487 Overfed Cosmic Bat74151FA9-0297-4C42-8C71-C0BF458DEBDB GhostGhostly Reaper Ghostly ReaperAC298718-D80F-4099-AC7F-98ED0DAB92CA Pumpkin5B63304D-9F24-416F-9CAE-BA86A79AFEE6 Pumpkin GhostGrim Reaper Grim Reaper


Main article: Skills

Skills are special abilities that characters have. They can be defensive, offensive, etc. and have unique functions that aid the player's character. Some characters share skills.

Non-playable Entities

Main article: Non-playable Entities

There are many Non-playable Entities that can be found throughout the map in EvoWorld.io. Some, such as cherries, are food. Others, such as the Black Widows, can be a potential predator to the player. Some can also be used as hiding spots, lights, damaging walls, etc. A full list of Non-playable Entities is displayed below:

Non-playable Entities in EvoWorld.io

New Acorn AcornBeehive BeehiveBlack hole Black HoleBlackwidow Black WidowNew Bread BreadBush BushCat CatCherry CherryCloud Cloud2759A524-DE91-4FF4-AC98-0B1913E7F96D CobwebCosmicbiginsect Cosmic Big InsectEgg cosmic Cosmic EggCosmic Eye Cosmic EyeCosmic Fruit Cosmic FruitCosmicPlant Cosmic PlantCrab CrabCrocodile CrocodileCurrant CurrantNew Dead Fish Dead FishAngelofdeath Demonic AngelDemonic Egg Demonic EggNew Dung DungEgg EggEvil Bat Evil BatEvil Rat-1 Evil RatFireofdeath Fire of DeathNew Fish FishFlower FlowerFroggo FrogGem-Frame1 GemsGiant Rat Giant RatIgloo IglooNew Ladybug LadybugLemming LemmingMammoth MammothNew Meat MeatMouse2 MouseMummy MummyPenguin PenguinNew Pig PigPiranha PiranhaPumpkin PumpkinRabbit RabbitRoots2 RootsShark SharkSmall Demon-1 Small DemonSnake SnakeStar StarStarfish StarfishNew Starfruit StarfruitStone2 StoneStrawberry StrawberryTorch-1 TorchTurtle TurtleTrex TyrannosaurusWoodpecker2 WoodpeckerWorm WormYeti YetiZombie Zombie

Version History

Main article: Changelog

EvoWorld.io was released on 10 April 2018 as FlyOrDie.io. Its name was changed to EvoWorld.io on 2 December 2020. For a full version history of EvoWorld.io, refer to the changelog article or click on the changelog icon on the EvoWorld.io home screen.



  • Players can receive gems and EXP codes using codes from Pixel Voice's YouTube channel, linked here. For a list of currently active bonus codes, read this article.
  • Another evolution-style .io game with similarities to EvoWorld.io is Mope.io.