EvoWorld.io Wiki
Evoworld volcanic frame

The Lava biome (a.k.a. Volcano, Demonic, or Hell) is a biome in EvoWorld.io. It is located in the extreme east of the map.

It is also one of the most dangerous biomes because of the vast amount of lava.





Note: Only shows the part of the space above the biome.


Large ponds of lava are both on the ground and in the underground area. Any Character except the demonic Characters (such as the Demonic Egg Eater, the Demonic Bat and Demonic Imp) and the Phoenix, will lose health when in lava.

Demonic Eggs are everywhere underground but guarded by Small Demons. One appears on the surface unguarded. Also, stones appear frequently.

There is a large floating island above this biome in space.

Strategies and Tips[]

  • This place is one of the safest places around for demonic creatures, since most Reapers can't go down the eastern cave or they'll get stuck and die of dehydration. This doesn't apply to Ghosts (though they can't harm you) or Ghostly Reapers though. This is uncommon for a reaper to be down there but be on alert as it will be devastating to lose your exp at such a high tier. If you're a demonic creature, you're pretty safe here, just watch out for reapers and small demons.


  • This is currently the only biome with ground but without any water, (it has lava) and the second deepest biome, only being surpassed by the Pit of Fire.

Part of the word "HELLO :)", along with the out-of-reach Frog.


Another part of the word "HELLO :)".

  • There was an Easter Egg in this biome: When you swim to the bottom-west lava, you can see the word "HELLO :)". The out-of-reach Frog is already deleted and the word "HELLO :)" has been moved to the Secret Room.
Biomes in EvoWorld.io

SkySpaceUndergroundSewage Treatment PlantPit of FireGrasslandDesertArcticOceanIced CaveSwampGraveyardDemonicJungleCity
