"Huh? You can't escape death! Your end is coming..."
⎯ The in-game quotes said by the Mummy
The Mummy is a non-playable entity in EvoWorld.io. It was added on April 19, 2018.
Food Chain Status[]
Note: '*' means that both animals can eat and hurt each other and '#' means that the animal will not gain exp from the Mummy.
Can eat:
- Anything before Pterodactyl
- Swamp Monster
- Demonic Bat
- Demonic Imp*
- Dragon
- Cosmic Insect
Can be eaten by:
- Demonic Imp* (4000 EXP)
- Phoenix (4000 EXP)
- Ghostly Reaper#
- Pumpkin Ghost#
- Grim Reaper#
Spawns underground, below the largest Pyramid of the desert biome guarding some Bread, Snakes, Mice, a smaller Pyramid and a pool of water. Wanders around slowly, occasionally stopping.
- This entity can be bugged inside the pyramid floor or be forced to teleport to another tunnel of the pyramid if it's pushed upwards in the precise moment. With a team, you can completely push it outside the pyramid, and from there, push it through the server barrier. As with other entities, after a while, its position will reset.
- The mummy is occasionally hard to push out of the server barrier. But with a team there's a possible chance you can push it out.
- It is unknown if you can get a mummy to fall in lava or fly to the portal. But with a team there's a possible chance it could happen.
- The mummy is one of the non-playable entities that could be pushed out of the server barrier other ones being Crocodile and Black Widow, but they're not the only ones that can be pushed out of the barrier.
- If the mummy traveled all the way to the right of its chamber, it would fall into a gap in the floor, trapping it in there unless it would be pushed out by someone else from underneath. This was fixed in an update.
- Mummies will occasionally say "Huh?", "You can't escape death!", or "Your end is coming..."
- It is one of the biggest non-playable entities.
Non-playable Entities in EvoWorld.io |
Acorn • Beehive • Black Hole • Black Widow • Bread • Bush • Cat • Cherry • Cloud • Cobweb • Cosmic Big Insect • Cosmic Egg • Cosmic Eye • Cosmic Fruit • Cosmic Plant • Crab • Crocodile • Currant • Dead Fish • Demonic Angel • Demonic Egg • Dung • Egg • Evil Bat • Evil Rat • Fire of Death • Fish • Flower • Frog • Gems • Giant Rat • Igloo • Ladybug • Lemming • Mammoth • Meat • Mouse • Mummy • Penguin • Pig • Piranha • Pumpkin • Rabbit • Roots • Shark • Small Demon • Snake • Star • Starfish • Starfruit • Stone • Strawberry • Torch • Turtle • Tyrannosaurus • Woodpecker • Worm • Yeti • Zombie |