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The Overfed Cosmic Bat is the 41st playable character in EvoWorld.io. It was added on 8 May 2018.

Players cannot spawn as the Overfed Cosmic Bat with an account; level 39 players spawn as the Cosmic Bat while level 40 players spawn as the Ghost.

Food Chain Status[]

The Overfed Cosmic Bat does not eat anything, nor can it be eaten by any entity. As such, EXP percentage is not applicable for this character.




None (formerly used to be eaten by Ghostly Reaper, Pumpkin Ghost, and Grim Reaper.)


To The Moon-ability

To the Moon


DESCRIPTION: In space you move naturally and lose less oxygen. If your oxygen level is low, look for Cosmic Plants.

Strategies & Tips[]

As an Overfed Cosmic Bat[]

  • As mentioned above, the Overfed Cosmic Bat simply serves as a transitional stage, and it is just a pink recolor of the Cosmic Bat. Once the XP threshold for the Cosmic Bat is attained, it turns into this coloration, becomes entirely stationary (and unaffected by gravity), and immune to everything (possibly even the Demonic Angel) in the game. However, it steadily loses HP until it reaches 0, to which point it will turn into its next stage, the Ghost.
    • Don't be fooled by the losing health - you're not going to actually die. Simply wait a few seconds for the transition to end.
  • When playing as a Cosmic Bat, be sure to upgrade to the Overfed Cosmic Bat as soon as possible, since you will then become an invulnerable Ghost for as long as you need.

As the prey of an Overfed Cosmic Bat[]

  • Not applicable, as the Overfed Cosmic Bat and other animals are mutually immune to each other. Since the Ghost cannot eat any player-controlled animals, don't worry about its presence. Code-wise, it can eat you, but it can't in reality.
  • However, if it evolves in the Graveyard and you are not any form of Reaper, run! It can evolve 3 times very quickly (Cosmic Bat → Overfed Cosmic Bat → Ghost → Ghostly Reaper).

As the predator of an Overfed Cosmic Bat[]

  • The Overfed Cosmic Bat has no predators.
  • The Ghost has a glitch that "allows" them to be eaten by reapers. Otherwise, don't even bother an Overfed Cosmic Bat and its Ghost. If this glitch is active, you will need to be fast when killing an Overfed Cosmic Bat as it upgrades to the Ghost very quickly.



  • The Overfed Cosmic Bat is currently the only animal that cannot move and is unaffected by gravity.
  • Despite its status as an animal, it cannot move and cannot eat anything. It merely serves as a quick transitional stage between the Cosmic Bat and the Ghost.
  • This animal requires 0 XP to evolve, as it is merely a transitional stage.
  • For all the reasons above, in reality there's no difference between using the powers of the rank for the Overfed Cosmic Bat and the rank of Ghost, apart from a difference of 10% XP bonus (that only affects non-playable entities).
  • Before the update on February 18, 2019, along with the Cosmic Insect, Cosmic Big Eye, Cosmic Angry Eye and Cosmic Bat, it could hold up the oxygen level in space. With the release of the Cosmic Plant on February 18, holding the oxygen level is no longer possible, but it will lose less oxygen in Space. However, it was (and still is) code-wise in the Overfed Cosmic Bat's case. In reality, it can hold its oxygen and water levels (and it actually can't be harmed by scythes), like a Ghost. Therefore, the Ghost is not the only one who is capable of holding its oxygen and water levels and being immune to scythe attacks.
  • The game says that all the animals can fly, but this one stays in its place.
  • It is the only animal you can't spawn in as.
  • It is one of the biggest animals.
  • It is one of the animals which isn't eaten by a zombie.

Characters in EvoWorld.io
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