Hey there, my name is Lauren (i prefer my real name), and this is a random guide. Feel free to use you strategy, thought. Mine is just an example xd.
Starter Animals[]
Yo i'm flying[]
The Fly is a pretty easy animal to evolve, with few predators, and most predators tend to ignore you. Do not have low HP, Blue and Red Birds will eat you. A crowded server will also be challenging due to many Flies and other animals, making Dragonflies, Blue Birds and Maroon Birds the most deadly in those. An uncrowded (or a server in general) will have Dragonflies chasing Flies due to lack of controllable prey. A Wasp can save you from Blue Birds, too. That being said, farm Dungs near the Pigs and Cats. If you (re)spawn in a distant place from where you should be, eat Dead Fish if they're your nearest food avaliable.
List of predators is the same as Flies, except that Blue Birds can't eat you, so "copy and paste" the guide above and remove the Blue Bird parts. but leveling is quite easier. Flowers are abundant and you can avoid predators with your ability.
I have a car model Pig420[]
List of predators is the same as Flies, except the Blue Bird fact mentioned above, that Dragonflies can be avoided if you are next to a Pig (be careful of Pig predators, though), and your ability makes you infect every predator biting you. If you level up fast as a Butterfly, you could stick next to Pigs and Cats, like the Fly (unlike the Fly, thought, it eats the Cats and Pigs [not damaging them] rather than their Dungs).
Good luck, you can't be eaten by Dragonflies and Red Birds anymore. You can be eaten by the more rare Hornets and Turkeys, though. Avoid them and the previously mentioned Maroon and Black Birds! You can still stick to the same place as the Fly (if there are flowers). It would be also clever to target Pigeons, Blue Birds (you are the Fly's savior) and Hens since they are your preys even when they are with a higher level than you.
I am Toxic[]
The Dragonfly has the newly-introduced predator pretty rare Turkey and the old predator Maroon Bird to worry and the Reapers. For the food, Flies yield the lowest exp and are the most annoying to kill, while Mosquitoes bring the highest EXP and the least annoying to kill. Butterflies are in the middle.
Low-tier Avians[]
Poor Pigeons, look at their predator list! Some are pretty rare to find, but since lots of predators exist, you will still dodge a lot. Wasps and Hornets can poison you, head to the water quickly! Owls and Mad Bats give critical attack, avoid them! Maroon Birds can swoop, Falcons, Eagles and Hawks have fast speed, Ravens are bloodthirstiness, Pterodactyls and Swamp Monsters have a big hitbox (the latter also has poison damage), Demonic Bats can paralyse you, Demonic Imps, Dragons and Phoenixes set you on fire (most likely if you are near the Phoenix and the Dragon) and Cosmic Bat and the Reapers will just eat you for EXP. Now for the food. Eat the Worms with your one-bite ability, hide and come back when it has respawned and your ability is ready. Do the same with Breads if Worms are targeted by other predators of it (run if it's also your predator).
Quack Quack[]
The predator list is the same as Pigeons, except you can't be harmed by Wasps and Hornets. Food strategy is the same, except: 1 - you can't eat in one bite. 2 - You can be in the lakes forever in this evolution due to its ability and the new food avaliable (Fishes).
Predator list is the same as Pigeons, except you can't be killed by Owls. your food is also the same as them, except easier to eat due to the swoop ability, more food avaliable and Flies as its controllable prey. Target Flies and eggs in crowded servers, Breads and Worms in uncrowded ones.
Plz do not eat mah Egzs[]
Predator list is the same as Blue Birds, but you can't be killed by Dragons. Eat Worms and Breads, as always, but focus on laying Eggs so the predators that eat both will be focused on the stationary preys.
Excuse me Mr. P, can i eat yo Starfruit?[]
It's getting boring, predator list is the same as Blue Birds, except you can't be killed by Wasps and can by Owls. Focus on the same food, but if you are confident, focus on Starfuit and nearby Worms. Your ability, even being weak, makes EXP gain more quickly.
Ey stop eeting mah Fish. Nevermind i'll go to the Swamp find Frogs- AAAAAAA[]
Predator list is the same as Parrots, except you can't be killed by Owls, increasing your survival time as a Stork. Focus more on the more common Fishes than the Worms. An alternative method is to only be in the Mud (leaving to replenish Oxygen and to escape predators) to get the Frogs thanks to its ability.
Mid-Tier Avians + Bat & Hornet[]
The general strategy is the same as the Blue Birds, except the predator list is the same as a Stork and it has the same controllable preys of a Dragonfly. You should target Worms, Butterflies and Mosquitoes.
Going back into the Swamp...[]
The Pelican has only two real-life animal predators, being the Hawk and the Mad Bat. Go for the Fishes if you're in an uncrowded server, go deep in the Ocean (in the Desert, right part where the Snake is) and farm the Fishes. In crowded ones, farm Frogs.
I eat Toxic[]
You're special for being the only animal before the Raven that can't be eaten by the Snake (in fact, also the only one before it that can also eat the Snake). You're also special for being one of the only two animals that can kill a Dragonfly, alongside Maroon Birds (Reapers does not count, as they can kill basically everything). Focus on Snakes and Dragonflies, as well as Worms as always. An alternative is to be ONLY in the Grasslands / Jungle (leaving to replenish Water and to escape predators) to get Worms thanks to its ability.
BATMAN VS SUPERMAN (the Superman is the Cosmic Bat), ECCEPT SUPERMAN WINS []
The predator list hasn't Pterodactyls (or maybe has) but has the old boys Hornets and Eagles back. Go to any place Rats are, and switch places every time a predator sees and chases you and you dodge them. Evil Rats should be ignored unless when low on health.
Stop bullying me i'm not fat :,([]
The predator list has Pyterodactyls back but removes again the Hornet. Farm on Oceans (both server types) and try to focus more on Starfishes (Fishes if high on EXP).
The predator list is the same as Seagulls and the food list is the same as Red Birds, but it can also eat Wasps. Focus on Wasps, Mosquitoes, Butterflies and Worms.
I will eat the Pigeons[]
Since lots of animals are preys of Hornets, focus on those who give high amounts of XP. If there aren't many players, focus on the most high XP non-playable entities. You should target and be above a Maroon Bird, since it gives the most amount of XP, can't use Swoop to deal double damage to you and you poison it. You also have the advantage of having only the Reapers and the Maroon Bird as predators.
It cannot be eaten by animals lower than the Pterodactyl, so it kinda survives a lot and can eat Dead Fish, its only food, in peace (if there aren't any predators or Flies).
High-Tier Avians + Mad Bat[]
Finally eating Frogs and Mice in peace...[]
Yes, yes. The (not-so-) almighty Owl is here. Be cautious, Pigeons, Ducks and Parrots! You will run a lot. Focus on those and Hen's eggs (there will be a lot), if you're in a crowded server. For uncrowded ones, focus on Woodpeckers and Mouses / Frogs.
I prefer Hornets than Dragonflies[]
You are lucky if there are very, very, very Flies, Butterflies, Mosquitoes, Wasps, Dragonflies and Pigeons. Chase Pigeons at all costs (and Wasps & Dragonflies). If you can, engage a fight (near water, of course) with a Hornet and use the Swoop ability, not letting it to be on your top. Otherwise, farm Woodpeckers and other thingies. You will survive a lot since your only predators are the Reapers and the Hornet (ahem, uncrowded ones will have less Mad Bats, Pterodactyls and Cosmic Bats, etc...)!
Engage a fight with every player-controlled prey if you can, specially Hens! If not, just eat the Woodpeckers, as always.
HOT CARS (the sequel to HOT WHEELS)[]
Engage a fight with Hens and Red Birds, they give lots of EXP. Otherwise, farm Woodpeckers, as always, and Cats. And farm anywhere VERY near the Arctic biome!
Noooo let me eet i peace i don't want to die by fire aaaa[]
That's why you should have farmed near it. Eat all the Penguins (please, do not eat them as an Eagle) and Lemmings near, and avoid Demonic Imps, Dragons and Phoenixes at ALL costs! They farm a lot there because of the Yeti (all three), Penguins (Dragons and Phoenixes, Mad Bats will also go there to eat Penguins and you!) and Meat (Dragons). Otherwise, be only in the Ice Cave and the Ice Castle (including both locations, but Underground!)
HOT KILLS (the sequel to HOT CARS)[]
If you aren't skilled, congrats for passing the Snowy Owl! Man, it was annoying. Anyways, act like the two animals before the Snowy Owl, focusing on Blackbirds and Seagulls. Otherwise, WoOdPeCkErS, Cats (both if you decided to run away due to the annoyance of the Snowy Owl's farm place), Penguins (if you decided to stay there) and Meat (depending on the place, the reason varies).
Haha i trolled ya Fly[]
Farm Dead Fish, Snakes, Meats and Penguins, for easy XP. For a harder XP gain, focus on players (specially Red Birds).
IMA FIRING MAH LAZEE *kills evreyone*[]
The first animal that can eat many, many, many, many, many preys. Focus on Snowy Owls, Eagles, Falcons and Maroon Birds. If you want to eat NPC prey, eat Evil Rats (regen your health by eating Mice), Penguins and Meat.
Prehistorical + Monster animals[]
Sharks rr more dangerous than Reapers...[]
It is better to go to the Jungle, specially if you were eating food (as a Mad Bat), since Starfruit can't damage you back, unlike Sharks and Crocodiles. Also, Starfruit give half the XP Sharks & Crocodiles give, so that won't be hard, since there will be many.
Go to the Swamp. Crocodiles cannot bite you back. Otherwise, focus on Mad Bats, Ravens, Snowy Owls and Eagles. Beware of your big hitbox (predators can EASILY hit ya). You can also farm in the Desert eating Sharks. Then, after eating one, eat the Snake and the Cat nearby and eat the other Shark. You will have enough HP to eat the second one. You can also farm in the Ice Cave for the Mammoths. Beware of predators there.
If yo eet mah Fogs and Ded Fesh, i will Toxic yu[]
Hence its name, stay in the Swamp eating the Frogs and the Dead Fish there. Focus on the animals you focused as a Pterodactyl (do not fight Demonnic Imps near a pool of water). If you evolved in the Desert, eat the Dead Fish, Dungs (there are two Cats nearby) and the Frog (a Frog also spawns near the Tropical Ocean). If you evolved in the Ice Cave, you should leave. There are only Dead Fish, and even a few. And you will be targeted by a Demonic Imp wanting to gobble the Giant Rat.
That is obvious. Eat only Stones. However, go to the nearby Black Hole (if you evolved in the Swamp or the Ice Cave) or go right (if you evolved in the Desert) until you get to the Demonic Biome. Eat the Stones there.
Demonic Animals + Dragon (it is not so Demonic if it can't drink Lava)[]
Wet if i didn't eite Demonoc Egzs?[]
Eat the Demonic Eggs. They're ur only food and are only in the Demonic Biome. Eat those nearby the left entrance / exit.
Eat the Demonic Eggs. You should target the ones nearby the right entrance / exit (including those 3 Eggs near each other and the ones near the tunnel connecting both sides of the map). If you are aggressive, eat the animals you should have eaten as a Pterodactyl. Do not eat Woodpeckers, they are the Demonic Imp's easiest food.
When the Imposter is sus... AMOGUS[]
Speaking of the Devil (literally xd)... Farm Woodpeckers near the Jungle biome and wait for the Jungle Black Widow and the Mummy to spawn. Focus on the same animals you should as a Pterodactyl + the Pterodactyl itself + the Swamp Monster (only do this near a pool of water).
Go to the Ice Cave (you should also go there as a Demonic Imp due to the Giant Rat) and eat the Mammoths and Meat there (do not eat the Penguins). Otherwise, eat Pigs, Cats and the same stuff of the Demonic Imp (you can't get bitten by the Swamp Monster so yay).
Rest in Peace... or maybe... Burn in Chaos...[]
Stay in the Ice Cave for the Mammoths, Penguins and the Yeti, go to the Jungle for the Jungle Black Widow and the Tyrannosauruses, go to the Grasslands for the Pigs, Cats, stuff you eat as a Demonic Imp and the Grassland Black Widow or go to the Desert for the Snakes, Cats, Mad Bats / Bats / Turkeys going there and the Mummy.
Cosmic Animals (a Ghost is also a Cosmic Animal because it is the Ghost of the Cosmic Bat)[]
*Insert Shooting Stars music meme here*[]
For fast but dangerous meal, eat Cosmic Eggs. For kinda fast and safe meal, eat Cosmic Plants.
You can search for Cosmic Fruits and focus on the one that gives the most XP (after you eat it, you should either level up or, if you don't, eat any Cosmic Fruit [that is in the Cosmic Tree] you want). For a riskier but faster farm, eat Cherries, Currants and Starfruit.
Focus on the Cosmic Eyes and Cosmic Eggs. You can chase Cosmic Insects, Cosmic Big Eyes and Cosmic Big Insects (the latter one ONLY if you eat Cosmic Eyes and Cosmic Eggs to regen HP) to gain faster (more dangerous if Cosmic Big Insect) XP.
Eat everything. For a safer meal, eat Cosmic Big insects, Cosmic Eyes and Cosmic Eggs. For a riskier meal, eat Dragons, Eggs, Demonic Bats, Demonic Imps, Swamp Monsters, Pigs and Cats.
Don't be fooled by the health loss, you will not die. Wait for the transition stage (the Overfed Cosmic Bat itself) to end.
I think i ate too much...[]
You only eat Zombies. However, DO NOT EAT IT if there's a Reaper nearby. You can eat it while another Ghost is eating, because you have 10 secs (the time the Zombie takes to respawn) and a bit more (the time the Ghost takes to eat a Zombie) to escape from the Ghostly Reaper that evolved by another Ghost that ate the Zombie.
Reapers + Pumpkin[]
ima engy so i will shop evyone in helf[]
Congrats! You got to a Reaper! You should target everyone, but since the ones above the Stone Eater give more XP, focus on them (including another Reapers, beware of being attacked though). You can get to narrower places than other Reapers due to your small hitbox.
HOT WINGS (the sequel to HOT KILLS and the last film of the HOT THINGS Quadrilogy)[]
Use your ability to escape from Reapers, because since you don't have a Scythe, you can't chop them (nor eat them), only Pumpkins (not playable Pumpkins, the Pumpkins in the Swamp). Stop eating the Pumpkin if you see a Reaper, you will lose ur ability.
Meh Sithe is soo long det ai can bee in Jeezmany and chop Melxican people[]
The same as the Ghostly Reaper, except you can't get to narrower places. Focus on Ghostly Reapers (your scythe range will help you) and avoid Grim Reapers!
The one you should not have killed[]
COMGRATS! You got to Grim Reaper, the last Animal you can be in this game! You can chill (replenish water though), fight other Reapers, kill other Animals (playable and non-playable, alive only) or even fight the Demonic Angel! Otherwise, do what you want at this point, even chop the Oxygen lol.